To create a new article:
- Go to Article
- Click on New Article to create a new one
- An article is divided into Titles (heading), Teaser (short introduction to the article text), Click-Trough Links and URL (your Landing Page – e.g. If you specify an Internet URL, the text you entered at Click-Trough Link will automatically link to your URL. The text to the link can be freely defined by you ("To the Article", "The Product", "For more Details click here." etc.).
- The Landing Page offers you the opportunity to provide detailed information if you don’t want to link to an external URL. A so-called Landing Page is created automatically if you add text under "Landing Page". This text becomes the text of your article and appears in a separate window once you click on the Click-Through-Link below the teaser.
- You can save the article in the home folder of the articles database, by clicking on the disk to Save. The articles can be freely organized in folders.
Each newsletter can consist of several text components that can be displayed depending on the selected layout template in the newsletter:
- Subject
- Salutation
- Editorial
- Articles
- Footer
NOTE: When using the features of the text editor, there may be complications and display problems. You can always try by creating different versions of the article and saving them in your data base while you can also edit the HTML Code in the WYSIWYG editor by clicking on "source-code".
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