- Go to Newsletter Tool.
- Click on +Add to access the Settings and start editing. You can now define the most important elements of your email campaign:
- The "internal" title of the Newsletter serves as filename for your personal newsletter management. You can give them any names you like. It often makes sense to enter the calendar month or week in which the newsletter is sent. The title does not appear in the newsletter.
- The subject is one of the most important components of a newsletter. The newsletter campaign will be more successful if the subject is attractive and catchy. You can also personalize the subject.
- In Settings you can define a variety of other details: The graphic template, the wording of the sender that many email programs replace, the shipping email address and the email address to which the reply mails will be forwarded (Reply-To email).
- You can set how you want to address the recipients of the newsletter by selecting Salutation. You can address them with or without title or individually in consultation with our support team.
The Editorial gives you the opportunity to summarize the newsletter in a few words and give a short introduction of the newsletter for the reader. Note: Added images in Editorial and Footer only appear if the layout template supports them.
In Footer, general information such as your company address can be quoted.
Finally, click on Save and then on Preview to check the display of the elements you added.
You can also find the settings to your email mentioned above at Settings. All changes made will be automatically applied when creating a new newsletter. They can be changed by any time.
Next steps: How do I create an Article? and How do I insert an Article?
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