
eyepin Support

  • Total activity 238
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Latest activity by eyepin Support
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    eyepin Support created an article,

    Plugin for WordPress

    Thank you for your interest in our WP plugin. With the eyepin WordPress plugin, functions from the platform can be easily integrated into WordPress. Using the plugin, you can upload, update, and de...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    How to create a marketing automation

    Marketing automation in email marketing refers to the use of technology and automated processes to enhance the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns. Pre-defined triggers and workflo...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    Create and manage users

    You can create and manage users in the Suite Manager. To do this, you must possess administrator rights for the platform. Access the Users section from the side menu and click on +Add at the top or...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    Password forgotten?

    If you have forgot your password you can click on the password forgotten? Button in the login mask, or click here. Afterwards you can enter your accountname and your email, to get an confirmation l...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    How to create a sign up form

    For Information-services in terms of newsletter and E-Mail marketing is one registration processes: Double Opt-In Method (a special registration process, where subscriber have to validate their E-M...

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    eyepin Support created an article,


    With a click on the Sendmanager you can choose a date or send out a newsletter right now to a contact list. That contact's have to be signed in, or imported before you can send them newsletters. Fo...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    Google maps for email openings and clicks

    With geolocation tracking you can see, where your E-Mail campaign is opened and klicked. So you can analyze in which lands, regions and city's your campaign is most successful. You can find that fu...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    How do i create an noreply auto-responder campaign

    We see E-Mail marketing as a dialog. Sometimes it is necessary to block the direct reply-possibility for some campaigns. For that customer can be pointed for example to a landing page, where feedba...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    How do you determine contact-activity ratings?

    Activity ratings give you a quick visual measure of engagement levels of your subscribers. Our contact ratings take into account things like open and click activity for each subscriber, forwards, r...

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    eyepin Support created an article,

    Content Area

    A content area is an optional field. When this area is filled with Articles (with pictures and or text), it will be displayed in this content area in the newsletter. If this area is without any art...